Modern Foreign Language

Modern Foreign Language - French

At St Agnes we incorporate language learning into everyday school life through songs, taking the register in French and using the language in many other subjects.

Learning a modern foreign language at school aids the development of various skills, including literacy and information and communication technology, as well as giving children greater cultural awareness.

The integration of French into everyday school life enables children to see French as a living language.

Children find learning French exciting, their confidence has increased in experimenting with different sounds, and they have become more technically aware as we use the internet and video-conferencing to aid learning.

External Link Icon The National Curriculum KS2 MFL Programme
Click to Download St Agnes MFL Roadmap Reception-Year 6 March [pdf 343KB] Click to Download

Our Vision Intent

MFL at St Agnes aims to develop cultural diversity and language acquisition skills which will prepare children for life in an ever changing, multi-cultural world. Learning foreign language skills will enable children to not only enhance their prospects in Britain but also on a global scale.  At St Agnes we want all our children to realise their full potential and develop lifelong skills in French which will provide them with an open-minded and adventurous outlook towards other cultures. MLF at St Agnes is inclusive for all children and we ensure every child gets the chance to take part in engaging, fun and differentiated learning.  It will enable children to learn about aspects of French culture, and provide them with heightened self- confidence as they converse in another language. We aim to instil a range of values such as acceptance, to talk about similarities and differences between cultures, to talk about tolerance of diversity in other cultures and to challenge misconceptions of others.  


Our MFL curriculum is inclusive and ensures that pupils of all abilities access the range of activities we offer.  ?

  • Children will learn French (Years 3 – 6) through a topic focused, broad and balanced curriculum.  They will learn to understand and respond to both spoken and written French in a variety of real-life situations bringing learning to life. Children will demonstrate their knowledge skills and passion for French through sticky learning assessments as they showcase their talents. 
  • Children will speak French with increasing confidence and fluency around a range of inspiring topics that will give children a real insight to French culture. 
  • Our MFL programme of study will teach children French language skills in a variety of fun and creative ways encompassing the arts wherever possible. Each class follows a progressive, well structured scheme of work (based on the National Curriculum requirements) to ensure continuity and a solid basis to increase the children’s attitude, skills and knowledge throughout their learning experience.
  • For each topic the children have 6 or 9 ‘sticky learning’ objectives including key vocabulary that they will study and learn during the topic and hopefully these will be embedded into long term memory.
  • Our extra-curricular Languages club takes the curriculum beyond MFL lessons, offering children an opportunity to further their knowledge of other cultures and to develop additional language learning skills through learning a variety of European languages.
  • Through the Dovestone Learning partnership we give the children opportunities to participate in French speaking activities with others, in particular to work closely with Saddleworth Languages school.


Our MFL curriculum will enable children to become familiar with cultural aspects of French, as well as developing language speaking skills which will broaden children’s minds and prepare them for life in an ever changing, multi-cultural society. Children will gain knowledge of other cultures and will also recognise the importance of speaking a language other than English. 

French Learning Resources

Please use the links below to access our learning resources.


KS1 MFL - French Resources


KS2 MFL - French Resources