Click to Download St Agnes Art Roadmap Reception-Year 6 March [pdf 392KB] Click to Download

Our Vision Intent

Art and Design technology at St Agnes aims to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for creative learning. Creativity is an important aspect of the children’s curriculum enabling them to develop their own style and passion for learning. At St Agnes Primary School, we value and are dedicated to the teaching of Art and Design Technology. We see this as a fundamental part of school life. We are committed to providing an ‘Arts Rich Curriculum’ which is full of practical activities to engage all of our children. We believe that by developing this, we can contribute to the appreciation of art and design surrounding us. We see art and design as a means to support learning in a range of ways. We aim to use art and design to stimulate imagination and inventiveness, celebrate culture and diversity and offer a rich platform from which children can learn about a range of perspectives. The skills that are developed in these subjects can be transferred across the curriculum and thus aid learning for example development of fine motor skills will improve handwriting.


In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in art and design technology, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Art and design technology is taught as part of a weekly or two weekly topic, focusing on the required knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. As a school and in accordance with the EYFS and National Curriculum expectations, we aim to ensure that all pupils:

? Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences

? Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques

? Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design

? Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms

? Plan, design, build, critique, test and evaluate their own products.

? Use technology and computing effectively to participate successfully in an ever increasing technological world.

? To understand the principles of nutrition and experiment with different cooking skills.

Class teachers are responsible for teaching art and design technology, although there will be times when professional artists/facilitators will be involved in the teaching of the topic. We have worked with ‘The Fairy God Mum’ to produce high quality pieces of permanent Art and Design which can be seen throughout school and in our outdoor learning environment. Children working at the ‘exceeding’ level in art and design technology are proud to have produced the art work and show case their individual talents. All classes are given creative art and design home learning to link with their topics and the children always produce high quality pieces. This also gives the opportunity to work with their families to plan and design their work. The Year 5 and 6 children take part in the Year 6 Business Challenge and Engineering Challenge to plan, purchase materials (using a loan, maximum £100) and make a product with all profits going to their chosen charity. The children take part in a ‘Trade Day’ at our local Tesco Extra and compete with other Y6 businesses. They are judged by ‘mystery shoppers’ on the quality and durability of their product, presentation of their stall, sales technique and profit margins. This amazing opportunity encourages the children to develop business skills and an understanding of quality assurance during a real-life experience. There is also a ‘Dragon’s Den’ element to the competition which also helps to hone essential skills of our children. We take every opportunity to develop links with outside agencies and experts, through links with our Dovestone Learning Partnership (DLP) in order to enrich our Art and Design provision. Throughout the year the children create a range of art or design work that is sold at our Winter and Summer fairs and this helps to give the children a purpose for their creations and creates strong links with the community.


Our children enjoy the self-expression that they experience in both Art and Design Technology. They are always keen to learn new skills and work hard to perfect those shown to them. The children’s art is often crosscurricular art but is also taught in focused topics (to support the importance of the subject) and helps them to express feelings and emotions in art, as well as show their knowledge and understanding in history, geography and science. The children are assessed on their skills, knowledge, attitudes and understanding of key vocabulary using our ‘sticky

Art and Design Learning Resources

Please use the links below to access our learning resources.


Art and Design Resources